Leaders in Advanced Powder Handling and Consolidation Techniques
MATSYS specializes in advanced powder handling and consolidation techniques, such as instrumented hot, warm, and cold isostatic pressing, microwave sintering, high-energy ball milling, fluidized powder flow technology, and extrusion. MATSYS excels in taking novel formulations from powder to product and every step in between.
We are at the forefront of novel alloy and composite development and scale-up. Through robust qualification of our incoming materials, dry cryogenic milling process, and full production and packing operation in an inert Argon atmosphere, we are able to limit pathways for contamination and provide kinetically active powders for even the most ductile and reactive materials. Our fluidization technology allows us to provide unique solutions to complex powder flow problems and improve powder flow quality across your powder portfolio.
Capabilities Overview
High Energy Milling
Custom Powder Flow Devices & Processes
Powder blending & mixing
Hot, warm, and cold isostatic pressing
Inert atmosphere handling

Custom Materials
Capitalizing on our expertise in high energy ball milling, we are able to produce fully alloyed custom materials with high purity for use at all levels, whether small batch research and development projects or full-scale manufacturing.
MATSYS is proud to provide a growing series of powder offerings to service all powder metallurgy based sectors.
High Energy Ball Milling
MATSYS is at the frontier of high energy ball milling technology and is the sales representative of Zoz High Energy Mills on the US East Coast.
Custom Materials
Capitalizing on our expertise in high energy ball milling, we are able to produce fully alloyed custom materials with high purity for use at all levels, whether small batch research and development projects or full-scale manufacturing.
Custom Powder Flow Devices & Processes
Our unique powder handling and consolidation expertise allows us to produce custom powder flow devices and processes that improve powder flow consistency and density at variable rates across your entire powder catalog, including hard-to-flow powders.